"Tidak akan kayanya kita kalau terlalu kedekut untuk bersedekah, dan tidak akan miskinnya kita kalau kita selalu bersedekah"

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Coming Soon...

Salam All.

Miss me? I am missing all of you... Not that i don't want to blog anymore, it's just that my time is very limited with work and my boys.

It's February and guess who's birthday is coming up?

Next Friday; 17th February will be AMMAR RAZIQ's 1st birthday. I just couldn't believe it. Macam tak percaya that he is ONE...  sekarang ni he cannot sit still... he like to stand; holding to something still with one hand. My Ammr memang hebat and sangat lasak. Dia tak takut what will happen to him, kita orang yang takut. Takut dia jatuh. Dia selamba je.
Comel kan???

I suka gambar ni... 
Another February boy celebrating his birthday this month is MUZAFFAR AMEER... he's gonna be 4 on 22nd February ! How time flies. He's still sleeps with diapers even though he doesn't want to but we dun want to take risk kan...  habis cadar i... dok kena basuh je... cakap pun pelat lagi. malas nak mandi pagi, sejuk dia kata... macam mana i nak anta pi skool next year ni... bangun tido lambat lak tu...

Tengah pikir apa nak belikan mamat dua orang ni... Yang penting Ameer nak kek Bumble Bee... Dear Ayah aka Mr Hubby, please take note ok...

Take care all...

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