"Tidak akan kayanya kita kalau terlalu kedekut untuk bersedekah, dan tidak akan miskinnya kita kalau kita selalu bersedekah"

Thursday, May 24, 2012

New addition to the family

Congratulations to my cousin Dr Mohd Khalis and wife Lyana for their newborn baby boy; Mohd Muizuddin bin Mohd Khalis (i hope i spelled it right) on 23rd May 2012. They have been married for two years. So happy for them, and happy for Mak Lang & Pak Lang too for their first cucu. The next one will be expecting Farah's in August. Two cucus in a year... Alhamdulillah.

Mohd Muizuddin is the 15th cicit of Nenek Sipah. Belum dapat lawat mereka lagi; some how i know that the baby is surely comel sebab kami semua pun memang comel. Beshnya kan...bau baby ni pun wangi je..Alah Khalis and Lyana pun comel.. ni gambar masa diaorang kawin..

Pak Lang & Mak Lang with Anak & Menantu

Ni ngan adik beradik my mom; (from left) my Mom; Hajah Husna, Busu; Hajah Zakiyah, The Pengantin, Cicik; Hajah Badriyah, Mak Lang; Hajah Fatimah. (Front; Sit) Pak Teh; Haji Raihan & Pak Ki; Haji Mohamad Zaki. Two of my mom's adik beradik missing in here that is Pak Din & Pak Mai.
Congratulations again to Khalis & Lyana and Mak Lang & Pak Lang's family for the newborn from us at loveequalus; orang PJ....

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