Happy Teacher's Day to my brother, Ashraf. All my uncles, aunts and cousins who are educators be it in schools, colleges or uni. Keep up the good work. Not forgeting my teacher's from primary school; SRK Sri Damai and secondary school; SMP Sri Aman.
The ones that i still remember from SRK Sri Damai is Puan Letchumy, Cik Zalina, Puan Nik, Encik Ishak, Ustaz Rosli and the headmaster; Mr. Lee.
From SMP Sri Aman; Cik Zalina Ahmad Zainudin, Puan Lili, Puan Radziah, Puan Munjiah, Puan Arbaiyah, Ms Anne James, Puan Amarjeet Kaur and ramai lagi laaa... tak ingat... sorry eh...
Many thanks also to my lecturers from my college years... lagi la i tak ingat siapa kan tapi THANK YOU!
Thank you teachers; if not because of you, i won't be where i am today...
The ones that i still remember from SRK Sri Damai is Puan Letchumy, Cik Zalina, Puan Nik, Encik Ishak, Ustaz Rosli and the headmaster; Mr. Lee.
From SMP Sri Aman; Cik Zalina Ahmad Zainudin, Puan Lili, Puan Radziah, Puan Munjiah, Puan Arbaiyah, Ms Anne James, Puan Amarjeet Kaur and ramai lagi laaa... tak ingat... sorry eh...
Many thanks also to my lecturers from my college years... lagi la i tak ingat siapa kan tapi THANK YOU!
Thank you teachers; if not because of you, i won't be where i am today...
Me & Hubby also would like thank all teachers of SK Sri Damai and KAFA Masjid Bulat S14 for all the patients and dedication to ensure that our boys; Adam & Arham excel in their studies.
Happy's Teacher's day to my gud friend; Aqilah (pre-school teacher) and Nurul Ain (lecturer in UPM_currently doing her PHD in Wellington, NZ), Fuzzy (teacher in international school) and sesiapa yang mengaku kawan i yang jadi cikgu etc ok...

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